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Why Good Piano Technique is Important

Why Good Piano Technique is Important https://themusicloftonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/pexels-yankrukov-8520502.jpg 1920 1280 Team BlueHuki Team BlueHuki https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/1cf39851b8702acd94cdc8c729a4ee17?s=96&d=mm&r=g

When we learn a new skill, be it a sport, craft, or driving, we begin by mastering good technical skills, allowing us to progress quickly and confidently. Traditional methods of learning the piano are sometimes thought of as not enjoyable or tedious. However, if good technique is not learned properly, it can either cause learners to quickly hit a plateau and feel stuck in their progress or it can cause pain-related injuries in the player’s hands. It is paramount that students embrace the development of technical skills such as correct hand position and posture. The Music Loft offers piano lessons in Ashburn for children and adults who would like to learn this popular foundational instrument.

Benefits of Developing Good Technique

Focusing on developing good technical skills from the very beginning offers significant benefits. While proper technique can feel challenging at first, it becomes easier and more like second nature over time. If you don’t have proper technique in the beginning, you won’t have a solid foundation to build upon, so it’s worth taking the time to learn the right technique to set you up for success. The Music Loft teaches piano lessons in Ashburn that can help provide students with good technique alongside the fundamentals of piano. 

What are Good Foundations in Piano Technique?

When learning a musical instrument, physicality is key. Here are some tips to keep your body in an optimal playing position:

Hand Position

Press the keys straight down with your fingertips, keeping your fingers curved. You can also imagine curling your fingers around a ball and using the side of your thumb to hit the keys. Maintain a neutral wrist position with a supported knuckle bridge or arch shape, and ensure your forearms are level with your wrists.

Posture and Bench Height

Sit up straight and comfortably on the front half of a piano bench, centered to the width of the keyboard and facing the piano squarely. Relax your shoulders, arms, feet, and wrists while keeping your back straight. Your elbows should be slightly in front of your center line, and your feet should touch the floor.

Playing with Dynamics

Vary your touch and volume to create shades and contrasts in your playing, adding depth and emotion. Experiment with playing hard and holding, raising your finger slowly, or playing soft and long to achieve different dynamic effects.

The initial focus should be on helping pianists gain freedom of movement across the entire keyboard. This approach keeps all the joints flexible and allows the exploration of more musically satisfying pieces. Once acquired, these skills become lifelong assets.

Piano Lessons in Ashburn

If you are looking to learn a new instrument or enhance your skills as a musician, The Music Loft is here to help. Please contact us at (703) 956-6563 or info@themusicloftonline.com to schedule a free trial lesson.

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